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The Next Thespian Meeting:  Wed Apr. 16th in the PAC
Thespian Troupe 6328

The International Thespian Society is a national organization.  Founded in 1929, ITS is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students located at more than 4,900 affiliated secondary schools across America and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians and junior high/middle school inductees are known as Junior Thespians. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA).


Students are invited to be inducted once they have met the qualifications.  Students must participate in two full length theatre productions at their school or one full length and two one acts.  They must have earned ten points.  In addition to performance or tech positions within a production students can earn points by helping at Saturday Tech Days, volunteering with tech at other performance events, by watching theatre productions, and participating in theatre festivals.


Once inducted students continue to accrue points for awards and honors.  At 30 points students earn their school letter.  At 60 points students become an Honor Thespian.  At 120 points students become a National Honor Thespian.  At 180 points students become an International Honor Thespian.  Honor Thespians and up all receive regalia to wear at graduation.





President: Kylie Staub

Vice President: Isabella Valentino

Secretary: Brynna Rufh

Treasurer: Isabel Rannals

Historian: Hannah Gore

Clerk: Samara Naeger

Assistant Clerk: Ava Odom

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